Yes, Even Cleanliness Matters to God


Though unfair in some aspects, a first impression can forever fix the way someone else will always view us. Oh, how we wish we could go back in time and redo some first impressions! We would want to fix this, change that, cover up that major blemish, take back some words or even replace that fashion faux pas. It is one thing when one of these first impressions is completely inaccurate of the person, and we know he or she was simply having a bad day. Much worse, though, is when an unfavorable first impression is spot-on exact, acting as a window into a person’s life. Making a good first impression is easier when your life and your person are clean and neat as a matter of course. Passing healthy habits and good deportment on to our children is an actual investment we can make in their future, as we enable them to make good first impressions with everyone they meet.

This aspect of cleanliness applies not only to outward wellbeing but also to inner peace and joy. Someone who is clean on the inside will often exemplify orderliness on the outside. If you consider our Creator for a moment, you will admit that God is a God of order. If you look at the world that was created for us, you will see a very orderly world. Everything that was created was put in order. From where the earth was placed in the universe to how the water cycle waters the earth, God meant men to live in order. Even with the first man, Adam, God instructed him to dress and keep the Garden of Eden. In today’s world, however, everything is out of whack. Disorder and chaos are the norm in most modern households. We need to live clean lives, and one way to do that is to keep our lives in order.

It has been said that it is nearly impossible to keep a white shirt clean on anyone under the age of twelve. If a clothing manufacturer could make a white shirt that always kept itself clean, mothers all across America would be breaking down doors and cleaning out clothing racks to buy these shirts. No matter how many times a child is told to stay out of the dirt or how much Scotchgard is applied, white shirts seem to always attract dirt, hair, ketchup, mustard and any other kind of stain imaginable. Where do kids get all these stains? They get them at school, Walmart, the park, at a friend’s house, at a ball game and even in their own homes. It is very difficult to protect a child from everything, and to do so would be ludicrous. The best option is to help train them to know what they should not indulge in and who not to spend time with. While the example cited is a white shirt, this principle also applies to a child’s mind and to an adult’s mind. To help prevent a mind from being exposed to all kinds of stains, parents should teach and train their children who and what to stay away from. When our minds become clouded with the junk of this world (movies, music, bad language, lying, gossip), it can allow us to think that certain things we once knew were wrong are now all right.

For these reasons, beware of who and what you allow to influence your children’s minds. They are surrounded every day by so much that is impure. Television is filled with profanity, violence, and cursing. It sells because it feeds the carnal mind. Much of popular music is filled with the same, for the same reason. Teach your child to be careful what goes into his mind, because it will eventually come out. When we dwell on impure things, we get used to them and may even begin to tolerate or accept sin, because so many think sin is not that bad. Once we remove the impure thoughts, words, and actions, we must put pure things in their place. Help your children get into the habits of daily Bible reading and memorization (Psalm 119:11). Pray with them often, asking God to give strength to live for Him. Always come to church with an attitude to learn more from the Bible. All the Character Connection teachers strive to live out these principles in front of your children and to influence them to live clean lives which glorify God.




“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” Psalm 119:9

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