My Friendliness Matters to Everyone

Everyone, everywhere, needs a friend. As children mature and begin to notice other people and not just themselves, they can learn to listen and look for people who need friendship. Even babies and preschool children interact with each other and exhibit social behaviors that will serve them well as they develop. The more we encourage our children to befriend others, the easier it will be for them to make friends throughout life. Jesus is the greatest Friend of all, and as our children learn more of Him, they will also learn how to share His love with others.

Friendliness means showing a friendly spirit to everyone and in all situations, even the difficult ones. There will be times in our children’s lives when they do not feel like being friendly. When other children are unkind or selfish, it takes great strength of character to make the decision to be a friend anyway. When someone is going through a hard time, it is often very difficult for even that person’s friends to reach out and know how to comfort and encourage. Let your children know that it is possible to be the right kind of friend in any situation.

In Character Connection, our teachers describe the greatest Friend, Jesus, who loved others and gave Himself for them. Jesus even forgave those who mistreated Him! In Character Connection, your child will also learn biblical stories of friendship, such as Barnabas and the disciples, Mary and Martha and Lazarus, and others. Through the solid foundation of God’s Word, our children can develop the character trait of being a good friend.


Memory Verse: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

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