Modest, Humble, and Christlike

Many of today’s young people have never considered the concept of modesty. It is a word from bygone years, when our world was simpler and more innocent. Some people today think that modesty only refers to the covering up of the body, but there is really so much more to it. Consider these aspects of modesty:

Modesty has a lot to do with humility. If you seek to be the opposite of proud—in thoughts, words, and behavior—you will probably achieve modesty. When someone receives a compliment and seeks to give the credit to someone else or even to the Lord, that person is striving to be modest. When someone downplays his own talents and achievements, seeking to reveal those of other people, he is behaving modestly. The word can also be used to describe something that is not flashy or ostentatious; for instance, when a large family lives in a simple dwelling, we might say that they have a modest home.

How can this sense of modesty be carried over to our thoughts, our appearance, and our words? Every action and every word begins with a thought, and so our minds must be guarded. Someone who is always talking too much—and always about himself—is surely not modest in his words or in his thoughts either. Focusing only upon oneself will easily produce a monologue which no one can interrupt! If someone is always seeking the limelight, this habit must have begun with thoughts, proceeded to spoken words, and then continued to show itself in the outward appearance. A person who dresses immodestly may actually take pride in his or her appearance, but sometimes people don’t realize that they are being immodest. Modesty starts with an awareness of our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our behavior. We must examine every motive and ask God to reveal any pride or arrogance that we have harbored in our hearts.

In considering modesty, we know it has to do with our thoughts, our appearance, and our speech, but behavior is another word that seems to cover all of these. We have met certain people in our lives that demonstrate different ways to behave. Some point to selfishness, while others point to a recent fad or trend. Unfortunately, we do not meet very many that point people to Jesus. The question for us to consider is this: what do our actions say about our lives? Based on the way that we act, would anyone ever think that we are trying to point people to Jesus? It has been said, “Actions speak louder than words.” Most people will never be able to know you on a personal level. All they will know is the way you conduct yourself. Those who allow Christ to shine forth in their lives are unmistakable.


Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” I Timothy 4:12