Defining True Courage

One of the hardest character traits to define is courage. Some would say that it is the same as bravery; others would say that courage is the lack of fear. In actuality, however, courage makes a person continue in the face of great fear. Historical figures abound who demonstrated great courage. In Character Connection, instead of holding up fictional characters, historical heroes, or even modern examples of courage, our teachers relate true stories from the Bible about real people who showed great courage. Here are four principles about courage which are taught in Character Connection:

 A person with true courage is willing to stand alone. Courage always leads to action. The ability to stand alone and face difficult, harsh trials without any help is the true action of courage. A person who cannot take action and stand for righteousness yet still claims to have courage is simply deceiving himself. We can only tell if someone has courage by the stand that he takes. Those who stand up for right no matter what the cost may have to pay a high price, but the cost of not standing for God is many times higher than the punishment and humiliation that man can give. Ultimately, we will all have to stand alone at one time or another. If we stand alone for Christ in this life, He will stand with us through the hard times and at God’s judgment seat. If we choose to stand with the crowd in this life, we will stand alone as we face the judgment of God in the next life.

A person with true courage is calm in the face of impending danger. There are often consequences for taking a stand. Do not cower when you make a decision for right, no matter what anyone says. Those who stand up for right no matter what the cost may have to pay a high price. Pray to God for a calm spirit and wisdom to make good choices. Do not let the perceived outcome influence your response. The stand you take may make people angry, but it will still be the right thing to do. God is not surprised at the situation you are facing; nothing surprises God. He will accomplish His will, and we must be determined not to let fear keep us from God’s best. Consequences included, God should get the glory for your decision. It should be evident, from your countenance and from your words, that God is with you. Your stand should point people to God and His truth.

 A person with true courage is bold in speech. If we are to have confidence that God will help us when we are afraid, we must be willing to carry His truth and speak His message. We can speak about many things, but God is most concerned that His Word be proclaimed. We must speak His message so others will understand that they must follow His commandments in order to please Him. We must be willing to stand up and say when things are wrong, without being intimidated. If we sit idly by and say nothing, we are just as guilty as if we had participated in the wrongdoing.

A person with true courage takes the right kind of risks. Far too often, people are not willing to take the right kind of risks. On the contrary, they are all too foolish to risk their lives in certain wrong practices that do not matter for eternity. When we stop to consider the essence of faith, it is simply taking the risk that honors God. Faith looks like risk, especially to those who do not understand the character of our God. All of us will take risks through our lives. Will they be risks that play it safe and please men, or will we take risks that will please God? It is becoming increasingly unpopular to pray in public or to speak out against sin. Will we take the risk and do right in order to please God?


“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

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