True Patriots, Then and Now

As the Revolutionary War neared its end, General George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army, thought that future generations would find it hard to believe that the force employed by Great Britain to subdue the rebels “could be baffled…by numbers infinitely less, composed of men oftentimes half starved, always in rags, without pay, and experiencing, at times, every species of distress which human nature is capable of undergoing.”[1] It truly is amazing when you consider all that the Continental Army went through to free this country from British tyranny; however, the answer to how they could have won a battle against a superior force as that of the British army perhaps lay within the hearts of these men. Within each heart was a cause for which to fight.

In the Bible, a boy named David understood that there was a reason to stand up to the Philistine giant, Goliath. Goliath had mocked God for forty days, daring any man from Israel to challenge him. As the youngest son, David’s responsibility was to tend to his father’s sheep while three of his older brothers participated in the battle. His father gave him provisions to take to his brothers. This young boy journeyed to the scene of this epic battle. This was a young Jewish boy’s dream come true!

As David approached, he was just in time to hear the giant breathe out more threatenings of destruction and dominance toward Israel. David saw Israelite soldiers running away and asked, “Why does someone not fight for Israel? Is there not a cause?” David had a determination and a dedication to the nation and God of Israel–he could not stand there and take what this giant had to say.

David understood that there was a reason to stand up to Goliath. The nation God had created was worth it! We live in a nation founded on godly principles that at one time feared God. Today, that God-fearing nation is slipping further and further from our grasp because there are fewer and fewer men, women and children willingly and actively fighting for the cause. God gave us this nation, and this nation is worth your standing up for what is right. There is a worthy cause!

A true patriot understands that there is a cause, and therefore he is willing to fight for what is right. David knew that when there is a right cause to fight for, we must fight for what is right. While there may be an occasion for our young people to one day physically fight for their country or for truth, more often they will have to simply say or do what is right. Not only should we stand up against those who do not promote truth, but we should passionately and persistently ensure that truth is proclaimed to all those around us. We must instill in our children the willingness and readiness to fight for what is right.

A true patriot respects the leaders God has placed over him. God has chosen leaders for us, and we must teach our children to honor and respect them. The first leaders that children must recognize are their own parents! Children need to see their parents as God’s representatives in their lives and give them the honor and obedience God commands. Faithful parents must train their children to respect teachers and government authorities also. This is more often “caught” than “taught,” meaning that your children will certainly pick up on your attitude toward teachers, policemen and elected officials. Our country has many elected officials who represent authority in our society, such as sheriffs, mayors, state representatives, governors, and the president.Teach your childrenthat these men and women are elected to these positions by the people and for the people in order to be a help to all citizens.

A true patriot is willing to lead responsibly. There will likely be a time when your child is called upon to lead. Even if he or she is never elected to an office, fathers and mothers definitely lead their families. Responsible leaders make wise decisions and solve problems according to biblical principles, not just to please themselves. Teach your children to turn to the Bible for guidance in every decision, whether they are leading or following. Teach them to love God and to love America.



 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

[1] George Washington, The Writings of George Washington, ed. John C. Fitzpatrick, 30 vols. (Washington, 1931-39), 26:104 (to Maj. Gen Nathanael Greene, 6 Feb 83).

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