Purity Means More than Good-Enough

It is very easy for humans to think they are pure and clean. Adults especially are often prideful, even when it’s hidden down deep inside. Most often the assumption of “being a good person” is reached when people compare themselves with those around them. However, God has a different measuring stick for our lives. His Word is the measuring stick. When we compare ourselves to what we know about God Himself and the commandments He has given in His Word, how pure are we, really? In contrast, when we choose to use our own standard of purity instead of God’s standard, we can deceive ourselves about how good we really are.

As children become more self-aware and make more of their own choices, they also often begin to justify their actions. Parents try hard to instill good morals and good character, but some forget to use the truth of the Bible as an aid in parenting. A simple reminder to our children that a holy God who loves them is watching all that they do can encourage them to try harder to do right.

Each child must realize that only God can cleanse and purify from sin. We should not compare ourselves to other people, because other people are simply human like us. All humans are sinful, and we make mistakes and bad choices. God alone is completely holy.

 As a parent, how can you help your child live a clean life? Setting a good example in your own life is a great place to start, but you can also help your children memorize the Word of God. Those memory verses will stay with them through life and remind them of God’s standard of holiness and His love for them. Character Connection is a help to parents because the teachers offer life-changing true stories from the Bible about real people who made right and wrong choices about life. Every week, Bible verses are memorized and reviewed with the children so that they can take God’s Word with them all week long.


Memory Verse: Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs 20:11


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